Dry scalp is very common problem among all men or women. Dry scalp is so irritable and itchy, sometimes it feels like a rough sand desert on our head. Dry scalp makes our hair dry, rough and frizzy, and common cause of hair fall.
It may occurs in any season, because it doesn't due to environmental condition but it occurs due to lack of nutrition and hydration in your diet. Healthy eating is essential for healthy hair. Healthy food which is rich in protein and fat acts as an internal moisturizer for our body. It is very important to get enough protein-rich diet in every day.
Anything you try for your dry scalp, don't show any wonder or miracle if you are dry from inside.So, hydrating yourself by a lot of water and fluids.
Besides healthy diet, you can try these simple and effective homemade hair mask. These hair mask helps you to remove scalp dryness and flaky skin from you head and makes your scalp cool and calm.
Besides healthy diet, you can try these simple and effective homemade hair mask. These hair mask helps you to remove scalp dryness and flaky skin from you head and makes your scalp cool and calm.
Best Hair Mask For Dry and Itchy Scalp
Coconut Oil Hair Mask
Coconut oil is the most popular hair conditioner for dry scalp. Coconut oil helps to improving hair cuticle and scalp skin, repair damaged hair and prevents keratin loss. Its anti-fungal property helps to removing any fungal infection as well as helps in itchy scalp. It also improves dull and frizzy hair and provides moisture in it.

Massage 10 minutes your head scalp with warm coconut oil with gentle motion. After that wrap your head with wet towel ( towel dip in warm water and squeeze it). Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo. Its makes your hair soft and smooth.
You can add 1 tbsp of lemon juice or 1 tbsp honey with coconut oil.
You can use yogurt directly or mix 1 tbsp olive oil in it. Apply over the entire scalp and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water. It cool and calm you itchy dry scalp.
Yogurt Hair Mask
If you have dry, damage or breakage hair problem than yogurt is the best hair treatment for it. Yogurt contains vitamins and proteins in it, so if you are looking for a quick treatment it can be used.

You can use yogurt directly or mix 1 tbsp olive oil in it. Apply over the entire scalp and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water. It cool and calm you itchy dry scalp.
Banana Avocado Mask
Banana is rich in vitamins, potassium,and carbohydrates. Banana is great for dry itchy scalp, prevents split ends, and decreases hair fall. Banana is moisture rich fruit which helps to increase the moisture content in your hair and scalp. Avocado also has the nourishing and moisturizing qualities and helping to beautify your dry hair ends.

Take a ripe banana and half avocado, and blend them well. Apply this paste on scalp and covering your hair length. Leave this hair mask for 15- 20 minutes and wash properly.
Honey & Olive Oil Hair Mask
Olive oil amazing oil for nourishing our skin, but it also good for our hair. Olive oil is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oil acids. It is also one of the most convenient oil for all skin types. Honey has anti-bacterial and anti -fungal properties.

Take 1/2 cup honey and 1/4 cup olive oil. Mix it well. Slightly heat the mixture over low heat to whisk both together well. Use a double boiler to do this. Apply this on your scalp and hair, wrap your head with plastic bag for 20-30 minutes. Rinse and wash.
Use these homemade hair mask in your daily regime of hair care than you get smooth, clean and calm scalp. If you want to know the cause of dry, flack and dandruff skin in detail than check out this link: http://diethealthfashion.blogspot.in/2015/03/a-big-problem-of-our-hair-dandruff-it.html
Try and Happy !!!
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